The Duravant family of operating companies serve the food processing, packaging and material handling segments.


Mespack customers will be able to improve the efficiency of their equipment (even more) thanks to advances made with Industry 4.0

• Manufacturers will be able to reduce the maintenance costs of their equipment thanks to the IIoT app that the company of Duravant Group is currently developing, which will allow customers to access and analyze machine data in a personalized way through mobile devices.

• By facilitating the collection and analysis of machine data and the technological detection of weak points in equipment, this new technology allows for predictive maintenance, reducing unscheduled downtimes and optimizing energy consumption.

Industry 4.0, essentially the digitalization of factories, will result in a new production model for the packaging world where one of the main advantages for manufacturers will be improved equipment efficiency. Guillem Lloret, Electrical R&D Manager at Mespack, explains it: “Thanks to the development of the IIoT (Industrial Internet of Things), all data provided by the machine’s different parts (whether mechanical or electronic) will be able to interconnect, facilitating the collection and later analysis of said data. This therefore enables the technological detection of weak (or less efficient) points in equipment in order for better decisions to be taken and so that innovation efforts can be focused on improving efficiency”.

Mespack is also engaged in this paradigm shift. The manufacturer of flexible packaging machinery has set themselves the challenge of using new technologies in the Fourth Industrial Revolution in order to optimize and facilitate equipment maintenance procedures for its customers “so that they can prioritize predictive over corrective maintenance and therefore save in this area, especially by reducing unscheduled downtimes”, adds Lloret.

Mespack is confident that the app will be fully operational in the last quarter of the year so that customers can begin carrying out their first tests.

Manufacturers will soon be able to benefit from the advantages of this technology. Mespack has developed an IIoT app —accessible from a mobile device and customizable on demand— with which machine development can be measured, maintenance costs can be reduced and energy consumption can be optimized (both at an electrical and pneumatic level). Mespack is confident that the app will be fully operational in the last quarter of the year so that customers can begin carrying out their first tests.

Advantages of Industry 4.0 for Mespack customers:

– Availability of information.
– Possible integration with their ERP (Enterprise Resource Planner).
– Diagnostics via messaging. Operator-equipment connectivity.
– Predictive maintenance.

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An edge computer, located in the machine cabinet, is responsible for collecting and sending data to the Cloud through a secure and encrypted internet connection that is stored and analyzed by Mespack Athena. All the data can be viewed from multiple devices. Worldwide, the customer can consolidate and view its machine data on a unique Mespack Athena dashboard.


  • Data Collection
  • Dashboards
  • Alarm Video-Solution (in HMI)
  • Preventive Maintenance System
  • Embeded Documentation
  • Multi-Device
  • Advance Notification System
  • Multi-Machine
  • Plant Overview
  • Machine Comparison
  • Software Updates