Primarily, the Hydroforma Series is comprised of three models for the production of detergent pods. The Hydroforma 660 is the fastest and most efficient solution for water-soluble detergent pods in the industry. The other models of Mespack Cloud packaging machines, Hydroforma 330 and & Hydroforma 165, with a smaller footprint and lighter price points, are scaled-down versions of the industry leading Hydroforma 660.
All three units excel at packaging liquid detergents, water-soluble detergent pods, fabric softeners, water treatments, concrete additives, as well as agriculture and industrial chemicals. Utilizing Hydroforma water soluble pouch packaging machines presents several advantages, including precise pre-measured doses, enhanced end-user convenience, heightened safety of user with no chemical contact, dust reduction, and minimized vapor inhalation. Furthermore, the eco-friendly characteristics of water soluble pouches contribute to sustainable soluble packaging solutions. This, in turn, results in decreased packaging and shipping expenses through the concentration of products.
Mespack also provides a prototype Cloud Hydroforma Machine to assist our customers in the new product development of their dissolvable pods. This station is to be fully guarded and mounted on a self-supporting frame. It is a controlled repeatable process that mimics as closely as possible the way a Mespack PVA machine operates.
C/ Mar Adriàtic, 18
Pol. Ind. Torre Del Rector
08130 Santa Perpetua De Mogoda
Barcelona – Spain
Learn about the largest product portfolio of the industry for innovative packaging
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An edge computer, located in the machine cabinet, is responsible for collecting and sending data to the Cloud through a secure and encrypted internet connection that is stored and analyzed by Mespack Athena. All the data can be viewed from multiple devices. Worldwide, the customer can consolidate and view its machine data on a unique Mespack Athena dashboard.