The machinery for packaging solutions of Mespack in India and ULMA Packaging are unique and integrated, enabling our customers to fulfill their primary and secondary packaging needs. We partner with our customers to solve their most pressing challenges, by delivering new solutions that are derived from our unrivaled industry knowledge and expertise.
Our success in the global market is a result of our ability to continuously provide creative package designs as well as reliable and cost-effective equipment.
If you would like further information, please contact us.
C/ Mar Adriàtic, 18
Pol. Ind. Torre Del Rector
08130 Santa Perpetua De Mogoda
Barcelona – Spain
Learn about the largest product portfolio of the industry for innovative packaging
Data will not be stored
Data will not be stored
An edge computer, located in the machine cabinet, is responsible for collecting and sending data to the Cloud through a secure and encrypted internet connection that is stored and analyzed by Mespack Athena. All the data can be viewed from multiple devices. Worldwide, the customer can consolidate and view its machine data on a unique Mespack Athena dashboard.