This Website it the property of MESPACK, S.L., whose NIF (Tax ID) No. is B60718749 and whose address is MAR ADRIÀTIC, 18 PO. IND. TORRE DEL RECTOR 08130 Santa Perpetua de Mogoda (BARCELONA) and which is Registered in the Mercantile Registry of Barcelona, in Volume 27.772, paper 50, page B-123.329
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We may, at any time, change the presentation and configuration of our Website, expand or reduce services, and even remove it from the Web, together with the services and content provided, unilaterally and without prior notice.
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In accessing our Website, the user must act in good faith, in accordance with the standards of public order and with these General Usage Conditions. Access to our Website is the sole and exclusive responsibility of the user, who shall in all cases be liable for any damages that such access may cause to third parties or to us.
Given the impossibility of controlling the information, content, and services that may be found on other websites that may be accessed by means of the links that are made available on our website, we hereby inform you that we are not liable for any damages or harms of any kind that may arise from the use, on the part of the user, of such websites not associated with our company.
By making this Website available to the user, our intent is to offer a quality service using the highest degree of diligence in the provision of that service, as well as in the technological means used. Nevertheless, we are not responsible for the presence of viruses and other elements that may damage the user’s computer system in any way.
We do not guarantee continuous or uninterrupted service.
The USER is prohibited from performing any action on our portal that would give rise to an excessive overloading of our computer systems, as well as from introducing any virus or installing any robots or software that alters the normal operation of our website, or in any way is capable of damaging our computer systems.
The USER assumes all responsibility arising from the use of our website.
The USER acknowledges that he or she has understood all the information regarding the usage conditions of our portal, and acknowledges that they are sufficient to exclude any error therein, and therefore he or she accepts them fully and expressly.
C/ Mar Adriàtic, 18
Pol. Ind. Torre Del Rector
08130 Santa Perpetua De Mogoda
Barcelona – Spain
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Data will not be stored
Data will not be stored
An edge computer, located in the machine cabinet, is responsible for collecting and sending data to the Cloud through a secure and encrypted internet connection that is stored and analyzed by Mespack Athena. All the data can be viewed from multiple devices. Worldwide, the customer can consolidate and view its machine data on a unique Mespack Athena dashboard.