The Duravant family of operating companies serve the food processing, packaging and material handling segments.

The Mespack Hydroforma FB Series is our last innovation in water-soluble pods equipment, it has reduced machine footprint and high production of up to 2000 ppm.


Pods are the fastest-growing packaging format in the home care sector. They currently account for 11% of the laundry detergent market. Water soluble pods are one of the trendiest and fastest growing Consumer Packaged Goods (CPG)/Fast-moving Consumer Goods (FMCG) categories.

This innovative format was pioneered by Mespack and our revolutionary Hydroforma FB Series, which is comprised of high-speed water soluble pod machines. With speeds up to 2000 pods per minute, our new Hyfrodorma FB Series is the last innovation that combines HFFS technology with water-soluble technology that allows us to leverage our expertise in both areas for maximum efficiency and innovation.

The Mespack Hydroforma FB Series is also the leader in sustainability; it produces less waste than other leading brands in the market.

Adapted to work with sustainable materials

New Controls: Athena

Smart Functions
Recyclable Ready
Advanced Maintenance
* Optionals

New Controls: Athena

In harmony with its easy usability, this Series of machines continues to use the Athena platform, with which the operator can monitor, simultaneously, the OEE ratio as well as the ratio of rejected pouches, among others.

Working with biodegradable material
(PVOH and edible film)

Polyvinyl Alcohol (PVOH) and edible film are used to produce pods. According to American Cleaning Institute, at least 60% of the film biodegrades within 28 days, and 100% of the film is biodegraded in 90 days or less.

Precision Filling System for Liquids or Powder

The Hydroforma can simultaneously load powders and/or liquids. The high precision, servo-driven product management features give an accurate assurance of your desired product amount.

Preheated Blade Group

It is a servo-driven unit with blades that move up and down. This makes them a safe cutting system and facilitates the separation of the strings into individual pods.

Transfer to Conveyor Belt

The pods are transferred to a conveyor belt by individually controlled vacuum suction cups. The film trimmings waste is removed by a suction system that is located on both sides of the conveyor belt.

Main standard features

  • Full servo version
  • Computer backed
  • Flexibility
  • Enhancement user safety features
  • End-user convenience
  • Accurate pre-measured doses
  • Pod slitting Blades
  • Cavity detector system



The Hydroforma 660 FB machine has been created by combining the know-how of the HFFS machines and the technology of the water-soluble film machines. It...

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Insert your actual production data on below thields to estimate Athena Benefits

Actual production data

Data will not be stored

Actual Production Time = Total Working Time per Day – Actual Planned Downtime per day – Actual Unplanned Downtime per day


Actual product data
(in your Currency)

Data will not be stored

Total Potential
Revenue Increase
(up to)

Additional units produced

Value (in your currency)


Waste reduction [material + product]

Additional units produced

Value (in your currency)


Quality increase

Additional units produced

Value (in your currency)


Uptime increase

Additional units produced

Value (in your currency)


An edge computer, located in the machine cabinet, is responsible for collecting and sending data to the Cloud through a secure and encrypted internet connection that is stored and analyzed by Mespack Athena. All the data can be viewed from multiple devices. Worldwide, the customer can consolidate and view its machine data on a unique Mespack Athena dashboard.


  • Data Collection
  • Dashboards
  • Alarm Video-Solution (in HMI)
  • Preventive Maintenance System
  • Embeded Documentation
  • Multi-Device
  • Advance Notification System
  • Multi-Machine
  • Plant Overview
  • Machine Comparison
  • Software Updates