The Duravant family of operating companies serve the food processing, packaging and material handling segments.

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Production Plants and Commercial Offices

Mespack Headquarters

C/ Mar Adriàtic 18
Pol. Ind. Torre del Rector
08130 Santa Perpètua De Mogoda, Barcelona (Spain)
(+34) 935 747 227

Mespack US

750 N Wood Dale Road
Wood Dale, IL 6091 (USA)
(+1) 224 297 0952

Mespack India

485/486 – C2, Opp Sayaji Tempo Showroom, Nr. Himalaya Square, GIDC, Makarpura, Vadodara – 390010
(+22) 662 473 00 / (+91) 865 570 7353

Commercial Offices

Mespack France

8-10 rue jean Jacques Rousseau
93100 Montreuil (France)
+33 (0) 7 63 46 68 48

Mespack India

504, 5th floor Bhoomi Velocity Infotech Park, Plot No. 39, Road No. 23, Wagle Industrial Estate, Thane (West) – 400604
(+22) 662 473 00

Mespack South East Asia

2082 New Petchaburi Rd, Bang Kapi, Huai Khwang, Bangkok 10310, Thailand
(+60) 108 990 647

Mespack Argentina

Av. Sucre 2126 1° Piso Of. “A”
(B1643AQP) Beccar – Pcia.
Buenos Aires – Argentina
(+54) 91140541001
(+54) 11-5294-2091/2092

Mespack Guatemala

30 calle 1-69 A Zona 12
Colonia El Carmen, 01012, Guatemala
(+502) 40945109

Mespack Brazil

Av. Giuseppina Vianelli de Napolli, 1185 ‑ Polo II de Alta Technologia Globaltech, Cep: 13086‑530 ‑ Campinas ‑ SP – Brazil
(+55) 11 91999 8596

Mespack Mexico

Colinas del Cimatario Avenue
Num. 431 Offices PB03, 104 and 205
Querétaro, Qro. 76090 Mexico
(+52) 5542 773104

Mespack Colombia

Carrera 19 B # 168 – 70
Bogotá D.C. – COLOMBIA
(+57) 601 7442541

Mespack China

No.20, WuKeSong Road, HaiDian District,
Beijing, 100097, P.R.China
(+86) 10 88592639