Connecting your equipment and processes.
To support the digital transformation in the packaging industry, we have developed Mespack Athena, which emerges as the ultimate game-changer by seamlessly integrating machine control and data analysis functionalities into an intuitive user interface.
Stay connected with our remote support service. Our experts are skilled at diagnosing and resolving issues quickly from offsite, saving you time and resources while keeping your production on track, no matter where you are.
Our modern Mespack Athena solution allows operations to monitor your machine’s performance and act in real time.
With Athena, businesses can harness the power of real-time data to optimize operations, reduce downtime, and elevate production quality while helping them maintain their equipment, ultimately paving the way for unparalleled efficiency and success in the competitive market landscape.
Our service team is well-equipped and ready to upgrade your existing machines with this platform, aiming to enhance the efficiency of your equipment through the analysis of generated data.
Spare Parts
Accessories & Consumables
Repair & Refurbishment
Preventive Maintenance
Field Services
Technical Support
Installation & Commisioning
Used Equipment
Applications Support
Service Plans
Hello Mespack
Upgrades & Retrofits
Project Management
Mespack Athena
Remote Monitoring
Duravant Lifecycle Services is a global network of Duravant operating company aftermarket organizations. We’re structured to support enhanced local delivery of all services, from purchase to installation, parts and maintenance to end-of-life and replacement.
Duravant Lifecycle Services is built on a center of excellence model that helps our companies coordinate globally to create new opportunities for improving services locally.